Eden Ellis was born in Harare, Zimbabwe, and grew up across southern Africa and the Middle East (Zimbabwe, South Africa, Israel, Uganda, Jordan). Eden attended Cornell University, earning a bachelor's degree in Industrial and Labor Relations, and worked in the public sector, spanning Federal Government, Capitol Hill, and international non-profit. Eden met and became close friends with Marcus and Mike while completing his MPP and MBA at Duke University. When not working on music or photography projects, Eden is a management consultant based in Washington, D.C.
Eden is definitely a nerd, whether or not he is willing to admit it. If he's not passionately debating the latest political or policy issue of the day, he is reading about the latest discoveries in Space Science or Game of Thrones fan theory. Eden is thrilled to contribute his music and digital production experience to this project and wants to continue discovering and expressing the power of storytelling through images and sound.